Online Classes vs Traditional Classes pros and cons


Dear Students, Are you happy with online education, is online education better than offline education? Online or offline this question must have come to the mind of many students or parents. Friends, about a year ago, due to the increased infection of Corona epidemic, almost every work of the world had affected badly but education was such a thing which was not stopped even after this epidemic.

Was online education is able to replace offline education properly? The answer will be found in this article because today we will talk about the online classes vs traditional classes pros and cons of both these types of education. In this article, we will compare all the facts from time to flexibility, advantages to disadvantages.

Beginning and Differences of online classes vs traditional classes 

Offline education or traditional education, this has been going on for a long time. We have already been learning through traditional education. 

In traditional education, students have to get ready and go to school, class, or institute. Where he gets an environment of education. The study takes place sitting in front of the teacher. 

Online education took place after the 90s Online education is flexible in that the student does not need to go anywhere. 

Online education and online classes can be achieved from the internet in the machine in your home. Some software like skype zoom google meets etc. helps with this.

Students and Parents Preferences

Students have to study in online or offline education, so they give priority to the education of both types, but it was revealed that due to the corona pandemic most parents do not want to send their children to school even after the schools reopen. According to parents, traditional classes have always been the right way to educate their children. But today's school expenses have become a big problem for them.

Flexibility of Classes

In traditional classes, students have to travel to school and it is very important to reach on time. Here the student also has to carry the school bag. There is less flexibility in offline/traditional education. Here the students have to follow the guidelines.

In online classes, students do not have to travel to school. No worries about the time and weight of the school bag. According to the timetable, if the student wants to join the online class, then they can easily join the online class from home. Therefore, there is more flexibility for the students in online classes.

Students and Teachers Interaction 

Online Classes: There is less interaction between the student and the teacher in the online class, that is, students' doubts are not cleared during online classes. Although there is an option to chat and video with the teacher personally in the online class, still the students are not able to connect with the teacher freely. Teachers are also not able to connect with any student directly. 


Like a Traditional class, pick up the student in the class and do not answer questions from him. Even the students cannot even talk to any other student. There is no conversation between them on any topic. That's why interaction in online classes is difficult.

Whereas in the offline/traditional class, the teacher is sitting in front of you, they ask you questions and you have to answer them. At the same time, the doubts of the students get cleared there. It is easier for the teacher to teach in the offline classroom with Interaction.

Location and Time

The online class is taken as a meeting with the help of different software. Wherever the student is, it does not matter. 

You can join online classes from wherever you want. The time of online class is less than the time of offline class because students start feeling very weak while sitting in front of the device. 

On the other hand, there is a fixed time and a fixed place in the offline/traditional class in which the students have to reach without any excuse.

Advantages of Online Class

We will start with the online class itself

1. It is not necessary to think about any particular place or time in online education. You can take online classes from anywhere.

2. There is no need to worry about time in online education. It can be changed as per your requirement.

3. Extra classes can be taken easily by saving time in online education because there is no need to travel, prepare school bags here like in offline education.

4. In online education, many classes are first recorded and uploaded by the teacher. Students can find their solutions by watching these classes according to their time or more than once.

Advantages of Offline /Traditional Classes

There are many benefits in offline education too, let's know.

1. The teacher can give equal attention to all the students present in the class.

2. There is a teaching environment in which the student learns social values ​​along with education. Traditional classes develop a sense of discipline in the students.

3. In offline education, students can be motivated to take cultural action. A playground is provided to him because sports have great importance in our life.

4. In offline classes, the teacher and student contact is better than online.

5. Homework given in offline classes can be easily checked by a teacher and can also be explained by giving correct instructions.

6. In offline education, the student is mentally attached to his school. Due to this, the self-confidence of the student increases.

7. In offline classes, the student can solve the problem by interacting with his classmates.

Disadvantages of Online  and Traditional Class


It is often seen that students feel lonely while taking online classes. It is believed that by sitting alone in the room, during online classes creates an atmosphere of mental pressure. 

There is no competition in online classes and only a few selected topics are taken in these classes. Sitting in front of the machine for a long time in online classes causes problems like headaches, burning in the eyes.

Traditional Education: Deciding the right place, the school in offline education is a big challenge in itself for parents and students. The material to study here is always to be kept with you in the school. We all know that offline education is much more expensive than online education. Parents have to spend a lot of money on a good school.


Has online education proved to be as effective as offline education? It is difficult to answer this because some students like to take online education and some like offline. All schools and institutions will be opened when the effect of the corona epidemic subsides. Offline education will start again. Has online education completely replaced offline Traditional education? This cannot be answered right now because online classes have their own advantages and offline classes have their own.

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